Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Drabble 106

Finished 00:07. Now my cooling fan has broken, so as soon as I can actually afford it the laptop is back in for repairs. Yeah, computers hate me. For now, repeated thermal shutdown is the best I'm going to get. Let's just hope this doesn't end up frying my new and expensive hard-drive. 

The best Blue had been able to find that he wouldn't suffer too much for killing had been a group of small children, and he couldn't see that much fun in killing the defenceless. The only other option he could think of was to ride over to the next town and find somebody to kill there, and that felt like a little too much effort just for one murder. He considered going home and not bothering, but it had been far too long since he'd last gutted a defenceless child and there was a group of them just sitting around.

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