Saturday 31 May 2014

Drabble 151

Finished 5:51.

One night, a lone survivor was raiding abandoned houses for supplies. They lit a candle in the kitchen, placed it on the side, and set about sorting through the cupboards for anything salvageable. It was while they were sorting through the cupboards that they were attacked, seemingly out of nowhere, by a zombie. Surprisingly, despite the absurd amount of flailing involved, the survivor was able to throw the zombie off without receiving any bites. Unfortunately, however, their flailing knocked the candle off the side and they set themselves on fire, providing a nice BBQ for the zombie's their screams attracted.

Friday 30 May 2014

Drabble 150

Finished 4:25. I may need to find a nice big list of heath and safety violations; these are fun.

In the remains of an abandoned school, our protagonist was running from a stray zombie. He had run out of ammunition, and had hoped to escape the zombie or find some sort of weapon in the only shelter he could find. Unfortunately, that had gotten him trapped in a classroom with the zombie, which was blocking the door. As the zombie lumbered forward, he attempted to run around the table and towards the door, but tripped over a chair that hadn't been tucked under the desk properly and the zombie was on he before he could get to his feet.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Drabble 149

Finished 6:00 exactly, and so technically on time. And now, for something completely different...

A small group of survivors were fleeing from the handful of zombies that had gotten into their stronghold. What remained of the group skidded chaotically through hallways and empty rooms, until eventually they came to a fire escape. Briefly, they were given hope for their salvation, until they tried to open the door and found that somebody had locked it with a bike chain. Before anyone even had time to realise what a grievous breach of health and safety protocol that was, the zombies converged on them, tearing the last of the small band of survivors limb from bloody limb.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Drabble 148

Finished 5:56.

Raven slipped out through the back door, quietly, and snuck around the side of the cottage. He had hoped to sneak of behind the leprechaun and manhandle it off of his land, but it seemed to sense him coming. Just as Raven moved to tackle the leprechaun it moved out of the way, a small, effortless movement that put Raven tumbling straight into the wall of his house. That alone was a pretty good indicator of how the rest of the encounter would go, and Raven spent the rest of the daylight hours colliding with walls and eating the dirt.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Drabble 147

  Finished 5:10.

Come sunset, the leprechaun was still waiting outside the door, and Blue was still refusing to go outside and do anything about it. Raven couldn't go to sleep until he'd put the horses back in the stable for the night, which required getting his horse to go back outside. All in all the only real option was for him to deal with the leprechaun himself, though he had no idea just how he was supposed to do that. It would probably have been easier to accomplish drunk, but Raven still had no access to alcohol, and it was becoming frustrating.

Monday 26 May 2014

Drabble 146

Finished 5:48.

Many hours later, and the leprechaun was still waiting outside Raven's front door. Blue had refused to go back outside, and Raven's mare had refused to go back out, and Raven had merely opted to learn from example rather than experience and not risk going outside with the leprechaun. This meant that both he and Blue were crammed into his kitchen along with a winged horse, and there really wasn't enough room for said horse indoors. The whole while Blue's pony remained outside, absently grazing along the path oblivious to what exactly was going on just a little way away.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Drabble 145

Finished 5:48.

Blue was sat by the front door, enjoying the rare pleasant weather, when Raven's mare came galloping up the path, almost knocking him over as she tried to scramble through the door and into the cottage. “If you're not careful I'll have you turned into glue,” he warned her. It was only when the horse had managed to squeeze herself, wings and all, through the door and into the cottage that Blue turned to see what she'd been fleeing. When he saw the leprechaun making its way along the path he followed her inside and locked the door behind him.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Drabble 144

Finished 5:08.

Raven had put the horses out in the field that morning, and they'd been happy to be left unattended. Until about mid-afternoon, anyway, when a short man in a green suit strolled happily up the path towards the field. The second she caught sight of him, Raven's mare turn and, setting straight into a full gallop, fled back towards the cottage. Blue's pony might have joined her, but galloping on a full stomach seemed like too much trouble over one measly leprechaun, so she went back to grazing and left the leprechaun to his business, which didn't concern her anyway.

Friday 23 May 2014

Drabble 143

Finished 5:50.

I'm bored,” whined Blue. He was sat at the kitchen table, fiddling with a teacup. “That is not my problem,” said Raven, taking the teacup away to be washed up.
Well then I'm making it your problem,” snapped Blue. He leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the table. “If your that bored, there's always housework for you to do,” Raven told him.
I'm not that bored,” said Blue, rolling his eyes. Raven took that opportunity to kick out the legs of Blue's chair, sending Blue tumbling into a heap on the floor with his upturned chair.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Drabble 142

Finished 6:06. Would have been on time except my laptop froze :(

Back at Raven's cottage, Raven was once again filling out paperwork. “Okay, would you please explain to me how you have paperwork?” whined Blue. “Your job is murder, how much paperwork can that generate?”
It's primarily mission reports,” replied Raven. “My employers like to know what they're paying for. If I can't justify my fees, people aren't going to be willing to pay them, you know.”
There can't be that much competition,” said Blue; “how many people go into the assassin business?”
A lot,” said Raven, “but most are so terrible at it they get caught on their first job.”

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Drabble 141

Finished 3:55.

Raven found Blue just outside of the town, waiting for him in a field. “What took you so long?” he asked.
Oh, nothing much,” snapped Raven, “only having to fight my way past a dozen body-guards, who were angry at me for killing their employer. Certainly not anything I could have used your help with.”
If you hadn't insisted on stopping in the pub, we wouldn't have had this problem to begin with,” said Blue. “You're not even drinking, so I don't know what we went for.”
Tradition,” snapped Raven. “Tradition, and the possibility of getting drunk from the fumes.”

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Drabble 140

Finished 00:51.

A little later, when the target's body-guards entered the pub with what appeared to be half a dozen soldiers, Raven turned to Blue and said, “And here is your final exam. I hope you studied.”
You can go fuck yourself,” spat blue. He turned away from the body-guards, opened the pub window beside him and began to climb out. “Relax,” said Raven; “I only wanted you to start a brawl.”
After earlier, I don't think I trust that offer,” said Blue, and he jumped out of the window and ran away, leaving Raven to deal with the body-guards by himself.

Monday 19 May 2014

Drabble 139

Finished 2:33.

“I’m still upset with you,” spat Blue. He and Raven were currently sat in a small pub not far from the target’s manor, waiting for a chance to sneak out of town past the target’s angry body-guards, who’d been chasing them down since the woods. “I saw an opportunity and I took it, you can hardly blame me for that,” argued Raven.
“I can when that opportunity is getting me killed,” snapped Blue.
“It wasn’t going to get you killed,” said Raven, huffing. “Injured, yes; maimed, possibly. But I definitely wasn’t going to get you killed. Stop being so melodramatic.”

Sunday 18 May 2014

Drabble 138

Finished 5:35.

Blue had been chased all over the woods by the time Raven finally arrived to rescue him. It didn’t take much more for Raven to get rid of the target’s bodyguards than him telling them that their employer had been wounded and desperately needed their assistance, and Blue wondered why he never thought to point out that there were other assassins about if it was that simple. He certainly wouldn’t have regretted throwing Raven to the dogs just then; with that smug look plastered on his face Blue wanted to punch him far more than could remember ever having wanted.

Saturday 17 May 2014

Drabble 137

Finished 5:56. Would have been earlier, but I decided to rewatch The Mist instead. It's a little known fact that I actually started writing in horror, and at some point may have to designate a horror week for these things. But I'm just rambling here :P

Blue had somehow come up with the bright idea of turning the job into a game. He and Raven would race to see who could kill the target first, with the loser having to complete some yet undecided forfeit. It had been going in Blue’s favour to start with, since Raven had opted to hang back and plan, but he quickly lost his advantage when the target’s many bodyguards caught sight of him. Now he was being hunted through the woods by nearly a dozen men, and had the funny feeling that Raven had been using him as a distraction.

Friday 16 May 2014

Drabble 136

Finished 5:57.

When the hunting party finally did leave, Raven still didn’t set off immediately. “Seriously, what are we still doing here?” demanded Blue. “You have to kill one person, that’s it. How hard is that?”
“Harder than it looks!” snapped Raven. “You know, most people aren’t exactly co-operative in being killed.”
“But we aren’t killing anybody; we’re sitting in the mud talking about killing people. That’s hardly the same thing.”
“Well,” said Raven, “If you’re such an expert, why don’t you go and do it, and let me take the day off. After all, it’s not like you’ve been paying rent.”

Thursday 15 May 2014

Drabble 135

Finished 5:36. I should start sleeping.

“How long before we get to the actual killing of people?” asked Blue. He and Raven were sat outside the grounds of a large manor house, and had been for quite a while. “What did you think I was going to do, just walk up and knock on the door? I’m waiting for the hunting party to ride out, then I’ll go after the mark,” snapped Raven. Blue huffed and continued fidgeting, complaining, “I don’t see why you can’t just knock on the door. Besides, your job is literally just murder, how does it involve so much sitting around waiting?”